Important Dates
First Tuesday Coffee!
We'll help you wake up with a smile on the first Tuesday of each month with a luscious cup of Starbucks and a treat. They await you just inside the door,compliments ts of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
From Greendell Mulch & Mix:
Now more than ever, our community churches need continued support from their members. As a Morgan County business, we want to ensure the continued growth of area churches with our give back program. Without the generosity of community members, business leaders and concerned citizens, our churches cannot continue doing the valuable work they do.
Shop at Greendell Mulch & Mix for all your landscaping needs and 10% of all sales will go back to your church of choice. All you have to do is shop at Greendell from March 1st thru October 31st, 2014. Let us know at time of purchase that you are a member of which church; we will keep track of all sales during that time period and send 10% of the profits back to your church. What a great way to landscape your yard and help your church at the same time!
Greendell Mulch & Mix
749 W. State Rd. 42
Mooresville, IN 46158
(317) 996-2826
Certain restrictions apply, cannot be combined with any other offer, previous purchases do not apply.
Church Events
Worship every Saturday, 7pm
Worship every Sunday, 9am
Sunday school every Sunday, 10:30am
Worship every Wednesday, 12 noon